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To register for buy-side trading jobs email
To register for buy-side trading jobs email

Established in 2009,
The Buy-side Trading Community (BTC)
is now an unsponsored global social initiative for traders worldwide.
ABF - Equities, Fixed Income & Foreign Exchange
The 6th Asia Buy-Side Forum (ABF) will take place on Wednesday 13th September 2016 in Singapore and Hong Kong.

Equities morning debate – 08:00-12:00 and lunch
Liquidnet, Bloomberg Tradebook, FlexTrade, Societe Generale
Fixed Income afternoon debate session – 12:45-15:00 including coffee break
FlexTrade, Market Axess
Foreign Exchange afternoon debate session – 15:15-17:30 and drinks
360T, FlexTrade
The Asia Buy-side Forum (ABF) is a series of private, exclusive 'invite only' buy-side round table debates.
Exclusive 'invite only' for 30 global head, senior and head traders at leading investment organisations based in both Singapore and Hong Kong.
The ABF takes place in both Hong Kong and Singapore simultaneously, with 15 traders in each country.
We discuss current challenges, best practices, management and business issues.
Open dialogue involving all attendees in a secure environment.
The Asia Buy-Side Forum's core objective is to facilitate face-to-face forums for representatives from the buy side and the Asia Buy-Side Forum's strategic partners to discuss and resolve those issues pertinent to trading and market structure in equities, fixed income & foreign exchange.
As applicable, the Asia Buy-Side Forum will also approach other constituents from the Asian trading community to be included in roundtable discussions.
ABF 27/04/2016 – Equities - Minutes
ABF 27/04/2016 – Equities - Presentation
ABF 27/04/2016 – Fixed income - Minutes
ABF 27/04/2016 – Fixed income - Presentation
ABF 27/04/2016 – FX - Presentation
ABF 18/10/2015 – Equities - Minutes
ABF 18/10/2015 – Equities - Presentation
ABF 10/05/2015 – Equities - Minutes
ABF 10/05/2015 – Equities - Presentation