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Press Release
London Stock Exchange begins consultation on shorter equity trading hours
London 12 December 2019
Following calls from the industry to reduce trading hours in Europe, the LSE has started a consultation and is accepting responses until the end of January.
The London Stock Exchange (LSE) has initiated a consultation exploring a possible reduction in market hours, after market participants called on equity trading venues to examine the issue last month.
In the consultation, LSE outlined that the move could encourage staff diversity, concentrate liquidity in a shorter time frame, and positively the impact mental well-being of staff following broad support from trade and industry groups.
On potential impacts of shorter trading hours, LSE said it would require changes to regulatory reporting and commitments for trading on systematic internalisers and OTC, while reducing the important overlap with US and Asia trading hours. LSE also highlighted that to maximise the potential benefits, all main European trading venues would have to agree to shorter hours...
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