To register for buy-side trading jobs email
To register for buy-side trading jobs email
To register for buy-side trading jobs email

Established in 2009,
The Buy-side Trading Community (BTC)
is now an unsponsored global social initiative for traders worldwide.

Women in Buy-side Trading Campaign #buysidewomen championed by
The Buy-side Trading Consultancy
K&K Global Consulting (K&KGC)
K&KGC have a global database with members of 900 senior, heads and global heads of trading from asset managers and hedge funds across Europe, Asia and the US.
Only 90 of them are women traders which represents 10%
To celebrate our 10 years anniversary of championing the buy side, the #buysidewomen campaign was launched at the 7th annual Alpha Trader Forum Global Summit in London on the 6th and 7th February 2019.
This initiative was spearheaded by Anita Karppi, MD, whose career in the financial markets has spanned over 20 years. It is evident that the ratio of buy-side women to men is very low in buy-side trading positions and Anita’s belief is that more women need to apply for roles to be more equally represented within the trading community.
For more information contact: Anita Karppi
+ 44 203 411 3996
or visit
Next steps: #buysidewomen webinar
28th November 2019