To register for buy-side trading jobs email buyside@kandkgc.com
To register for buy-side trading jobs email buyside@kandkgc.com
To register for buy-side trading jobs email buyside@kandkgc.com

Established in 2009,
The Buy-side Trading Community (BTC)
is now an unsponsored global social initiative for traders worldwide.

You can listen to the full audio or select your sections by topic by scrolling to the start time as shown below
Diversity of thought:- Improving gender balance – how can it be better for productivity?
(05:38) Company Culture – Tips on approaching company culture
(12:10) Company Culture – are we behind other industries?
(16:00) Flexible working and career development
(24:40) Working parents – interview biasness, mental health awareness
(31:04) Fearless girl campaign – how do you approach your boss for flexibility?
(37:12) Shorter trading hours
(43:18) How does the UK compare to the rest of the world? What can we learn from other geographies? Comparing balance of the life on different trading desks
(47:06) Are there any negative impacts in the reduction of exchange hours? Structural changes to trading desks. Attracting more women in to trading, increase training to increase diversity
(55:00) How do we help to make change?
(01:01:08) Key takeaways - panellists’ summary
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