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To register for buy-side trading jobs email
To register for buy-side trading jobs email

Established in 2009,
The Buy-side Trading Community (BTC)
is now an unsponsored global social initiative for traders worldwide.

Equities Trading
Innovative solutions for equities trading
We know what our clients need and we're prepared to deliver. That's why we're an order and execution management system. We understand the importance of a one-stop-shop for our clients. We support all types of institutional investors with their equity trading needs.
Our flagship product, TRADESMART®, offers a fully-customizable experience for buy side clients trading equities on any exchange at any time. TRADESMART's ability to integrate multiples dealers and asset classes onto a single screen format for electronic order routing through proximity hubs is what makes us stand out among competitors. Equity trades can even be sent through FIX API; Excel API; COM API.
TRADESMART provides one platform for all trades, active, passive, or quantitative. It brings together all the data points required when making trading decisions from pre-trade analytics, liquidity aggregation, real-time market data and charts, to visualization and historical reference on previous execution methodologies. Once execution decisions are made, traders use the enhanced execution functionality to route orders with execution instructions in order to effectively achieve desired execution results. One platform with access to a proprietary global network of brokers with your own routes for execution. Additionally, TRADINGSCREEN offers broker-neutral post trade analytics to assist in analyzing broker performance, venue analysis and executive performance.