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Established in 2009,
The Buy-side Trading Community (BTC)
is now an unsponsored global social initiative for traders worldwide.
Shorter trading days campaign
Europe's stock exchanges have the longest opening times in the world. Traders are now demanding a shortening for a better work-life balance - but people in Frankfurt are skeptical.
Exchanges examine options after lobby groups argued for truncated trading day
Following calls from the industry to reduce trading hours in Europe, the LSE has started a consultation and is accepting responses until the end of January.
London Stock Exchange Group Plc started asking market participants if they want the bourse to be open fewer hours, signaling it’s open to an argument driven by changing trading patterns and calls for a better work-life balance.
The stock exchange has set out a series of options for shortening the market’s 8.00-16.30 hours of operation
Following the recent proposal by AFME and the Investment Association (IA) issued on the 7th November for shorter exchange trading hours in Europe, the Buy-side Trading Community (BTC) operated by K&K Global Consulting (K&KGC) is pleased to share their real-time poll results, as referenced by AFME and the IA’s proposal to the London trading exchanges.
The BVI, the trade body for German asset managers, is worried about how the public will interpret the initiative to shorten trading hours
Asset managers join with UK lobby groups in backlash against long-hours culture
Traders in the investment management and banking industries are calling on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) and other European trading venues to review trading hours across Europe in a bid to improve culture, diversity and wellbeing on trading floors, and create more efficient markets.