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Established in 2009,
The Buy-side Trading Community (BTC)
is now an unsponsored global social initiative for traders worldwide.

18th December 2017
K&K Global Consulting Ltd (K&KGC) are pleased to announce that they have been shortlisted as a finalist in the European Association Awards recognising excellence and exceptional achievements for the private, exclusive, invitation only Alpha Trader Forum Global Summit.
These awards recognise individuals, teams and initiatives and highlight excellence in how associations operate and serve their members. The shortlist represents the elite of European Associations who are striving ahead and setting standards for and on behalf of their members.
Specifically, the European Association Excellence Awards:
Are about best practice in all areas of running a successful, responsible and sustainable European association – focused on serving members needs and delivering value to members.
Consist of 25 judges who are all Secretary Generals or CEO’s of leading European associations.
Will include categories focused on the areas where most associations need to excel in order to successfully serve their members.
Anita Karppi – Managing Director, K&K Global Consulting said “We are absolutely delighted that the Alpha Trader Forum Global Summit has been shortlisted as a finalist for these awards. To be recognised and shortlisted as a finalist for our work with the buyside is a great achievement and we are very grateful for the support of the buyside traders across the world who champion our services and our strategic partners who have supported us since inception in 2010. Well done team K&KGC.”
The European Association awards is organised by the GCN Events, an organisation focused on serving its community members, many of which are associations. GCN Events has extensive experience and expertise in running industry-leading awards programmes. The GCN awards are highly sought after because of the independent and rigorous judging process by industry practitioners and leaders – which means they showcase the very best, as judged by industry peers
About K&KGC:
K&K Global Consulting Ltd. (K&KGC) - Business intelligence for the Buy-side. Since 2010, we are a unique Buy-side consultancy firm which operates 5 strategic business intelligence services who have 1100 buy-side asset managers and hedge funds as clients globally.
* The Buyside Perspectives, strategic thought leadership bench marking research plus a regular Buy side trading community multi asset class publication.
* Alpha Trader Forum (ATF) and Asia Buy-side Forum (ABF) - private, exclusive, invitation only roundtable debates for senior and head traders cross asset class.
* - a private, exclusive, buy-side only web portal for senior and head traders cross asset class globally.
Contact Anita Karppi + 44 203 411 3996 for more information