To register for buy-side trading jobs email
To register for buy-side trading jobs email
To register for buy-side trading jobs email
Established in 2009,
The Buy-side Trading Community (BTC)
is now an unsponsored global social initiative for traders worldwide.
As part of our BTC’s wellness campaign, the #buysidebootcamp was launched at the 8th Alpha Trader Forum annual global summit on the 5th and 6th February 2020 in London.
This initiative unites the buyside trading community by supporting family, friends and/or colleagues who have been affected by Cancer or mental health issues.
Together we aim to raise awareness and much needed funds for 2 charities; Cancer Research and Mind.
What’s involved?
One day, one hour fitness challenge
Barry’s Bootcamp, St Pauls, London
Thursday 26th March 2PM - 3PM
What do you need to do to take part?
Tell us you (and/or a representative from your firm ) are coming by clicking here
Join our justgiving page and start collecting sponsorship www.justgivingpage......
Turn up on the day and have some fun!
All participants will receive a #buysidebootcamp T-shirt and water bottle.