To register for buy-side trading jobs email
To register for buy-side trading jobs email
To register for buy-side trading jobs email

Established in 2009,
The Buy-side Trading Community (BTC)
is now an unsponsored global social initiative for traders worldwide.

Here at the forefront of the Buy-side Trading Community (BTC), we pride ourselves on focussing our buy-side trading research on the key themes that the buy side tell us are most important to them. We are the only buy-side trading consultancy firm to use the research in our regional Alpha Trader Forums (ATF) across London, Paris, Frankfurt and Stockholm. This puts us in a unique position to be a voice on behalf of our buy-side trading community.
The campaign for shorter trading hours that circulated the media started with a joint letter from the Investment Association (IA) and Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) to the London Stock Exchange in November 2019 calling to shorten European equity market hours from 8am - 4.30pm, to 9am - 4pm GMT (9am - 5.30pm, to 10am - 5pm CET). The letter referenced the results of our research survey conducted at all of our regional Alpha Trader Forums in 2019 covering 129 buy-side senior and heads of trading. This showed almost half of the participants surveyed wanted shorter trading hours.
We will continue to report back the messages and outcomes of all of our research to all buy-side trading members so do join in with us to make the BTC even bigger and better!
If you missed the full article you can find it here: