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To register for buy-side trading jobs email
To register for buy-side trading jobs email

Established in 2009,
The Buy-side Trading Community (BTC)
is now an unsponsored global social initiative for traders worldwide.

Equities Liquid Markets
Full service capabilities across content, issuance and execution for exchange traded and over the counter equities products.
With headquarters in the world’s two largest equities hubs, London and New York, our sales, trading and research teams cover each of the major equities products, including cash, programs, flow derivatives and convertibles.
We help to inform institutional clients’ understanding of trading events, sector trends and market dynamics. Our teams consult with clients to understand their investment and trading needs, and assist them in navigating the markets and accessing the liquidity needed to execute their investment strategies.
Liquidity and Execution
By bringing together product specialists for all equities liquid markets, we can offer clients distinctive trading insights, liquidity provision expertise and customised solutions for investment objectives.
We offer innovative solutions for accessing liquidity, including actionable indications of interest (IOIs), automated capital commitment on algorithmic orders, and conditional orders for enhanced block-seeking functionality.
Order Handling Transparency
Electronic Trading and Alternative Trading Systems (US only). Barclays is committed to providing clients with a thorough understanding of our electronic trading offering and order handling practices.
ECS. SPECS is an online portal that provides clients with the ability to view, verify and request modifications to their order handling settings with Barclays. With the level of transparency that SPECS provides, we seek to give clients an understanding of our trading platform and more efficient control over how we handle their orders. SPECS is currently available in the US.SP
Understanding the Markets
Corporate Access. Our Institutional Corporate Marketing (ICM) team of dedicated sector specialists uses market intelligence to advise large corporates on their interactions with the investment community. Through conferences, field trips and non-deal roadshows, we offer these corporates and institutional investors unique opportunities to partner.
Research and Barclays Live. Our equity research teams deliver company and industry analysis across geographies and sectors to help clients make informed investment decisions.
Analytic Tools. We offer clients a suite of tools to analyse the markets, as well as their own execution performance. Portfolio WebBench® is our flagship equities execution analytics toolkit, which offers insight into the different stages of the investment process, from portfolio construction to post-trade analysis. Analytics tools are also available for equity flow derivatives and convertible bonds.Analy
Barclays Live is our web-based client portal that provides access to award-winning research, advanced analytical tools, and comprehensive financial data.